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Club Protocol Reminders

As the new season rapidly approaches, we warmly welcome back all members who were away for the summer. We anticipate a busy and successful season and would like to remind you of a few important protocols to ensure a safe and efficient environment.

Marina Operations

  • Operating Hours: Our marina operates from dawn to dusk. If it is dark, your boat will likely be removed from the water the following morning. To avoid your boat being left overnight, please return to the marina well before nightfall.
  • Basin Clearance: Due to an increase in our inventory of large boats, it is crucial to keep the basin clear for launching and retrieving boats. No boat may remain in the water overnight unless it is launched for use by 9 AM the following morning. The Harbor Master may remove any vessel at their discretion to maintain basin efficiency.

Safety Protocols

  • Boat Storage Building Access: For the safety of our members, employees, and equipment, there is no access allowed inside the boat storage building. If you need access to your vessel, you must schedule a time and be accompanied by a staff member. This area is slippery and heavy equipment is in use.

Severe Weather Policy

  • Wind: If winds exceed 25 mph, all forklift operations will stop until it is safe to resume.
  • Lightning: Our lightning detection system will halt all operations if lightning is detected within 6 miles. Employees will remain indoors until the allclear is given. If you enter the basin during a lightning alert, staff will stay inside for their safety.

Reservation Guidelines

  • Active Reservations: You may have a maximum of 3 active reservations, booked up to 7 days in advance. The note field in the reservation system is not for requesting different times than those available. If your desired time slot is unavailable, please select another.
  • Work Racks: The Boat Cloud system is not for scheduling work racks. A work rack is a launch for any work requiring the vessel to remain at the marina on land or in the water. We have 3-4 work racks, depending on boat size. To schedule, contact our Harbor Master, Javier Rodriguez, at 239-600-4563. During the season, scheduling may be at least a week out.
  • Fair Usage: We’ve noticed that some members consistently book launches for all three weekend days without using them, potentially to always have a specific time slot. This practice prevents others who have actual plans from securing those time slots. Please only reserve a launch if you have concrete plans to go out. This consideration will help ensure that time slots are available for all members.

Maintaining a 5-Star Environment

We strive to maintain a 5-star environment. If you encounter any issues in the marina or restaurant, please ask for a manager. Some outside staff may not speak English fluently and may not fully understand your concerns.

On behalf of our entire staff, we welcome you back and look forward to a successful season.

Best Regards,

Board of Directors/Management
Sanibel Harbour Yacht Club